EWRA 0.1

New custom ROM based on official firmware 2.2.2 and last update FRG83G.v53R-0 for Alcatel OT-990

  1. Busybox
  2. Hosts "no ads"
  3. Support scripts of init.d
  4. New third-party apps (Root Explorer,QuickPic,ClockSync)
  5. New effects animation
  6. New style of graphic part (screenshots and video later)
  7. New boot logo (copyright)
  8. New mode CPU set as default  - conservative
  9. Scripts: Nocheck_gsfQuisy (for the killing activity of the service GoogleServicesFramework,defrag data base of apps,increase cache sdcard and dev blocks,battery save,vm and kernel tweaks,3G speed,modified dalvik vm options,scheduler deadline tweak,noatime mount options and other)

  • Changed the structure ofstock apps (no resources in /custpack/JRD_custres/app) and make it as AOSP variant
  • Removed many gapps and branded apps
  • Removed many stock audio files
  • Support large avatar for Contacts and in call time

    Flash it via fastboot


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