Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Password for download Ewra ROM:


  1. долго мучился с паролем ты уверен что верно его написал??

  2. ой,сорри я в торопях буквы попутал
    ewra2012 правильно

  3. Where is the update.zip Ewra Rom? You're linking to the old ewra.zip . Should i just rename it? (running 2.2.2 and CW recovery)

  4. until is not available,but you must flash it from sdcard via recovery ;) use my restore script

  5. Successfully (?) installed via fastboot/adb. Rom looks great, only problem so far : cannot install an alternative keyboard and i REALLY need it as greek is not installed by default (tried htc_ime and Go Keyboard). They appear on the Settings>Keyboard list, but not when you press and hold Input Method :( When you go back to Settings the 2nd keyboard appears unchecked. As if something is not saved properly.

    1. wait a few minutes,I'll test Swype keyboard

    2. I'm just install Swype and check it as default keyboard,then I reboot and Swype no uncheked(set from Input Method)

  6. Ok, I'll try rebooting. Another thing I noticed; kernel's running on conservative by default, I had to use SetCPU to set it to performance (ot990 is too slow for anything else, lag is noticeable). Not sure if that was intentional or not.

    1. I don't not use these apps,because easier for me in order to save work with shell scripts

    2. Then I guess you should find the corresponding line in the script that controlls the CPU Governor and edit accordingly!

    3. am I should find? why?=D
      if I know what can do for it,and I added command for control CPU governor in ramdisk and set as default ;) also I know where can set this governor in scripts of init.d
      and it is at my discretion

  7. To set things straight; I never suggested you use SetCPU. As soon as I installed the ROM i noticed it was lagging, A LOT. So i run CPU Spy to check the states and alas, it was running at sub-optimal cycles. SetCPU just helped me run the governor on performance and at either 600mhz or Deep Sleep (the 'default' Alcatel way). I am helping you out here, not trying to force you to install any apps (?!).

    In response to your "discretionary" message now, you consciously wanted a phone with an underperforming processor to run on conservative governor? It felt slower than the G1 at times! (conservative tended to drop the cpu to 122-300Mhz, only rarely going to full 600Mhz).

    Another thing,apart from the inability to use an alternative keyboard, Brightness settings are also not saved. I use a widget to control brightness but it refuses to work with this rom. I sense it's a problem with permissions or something wrong in your "shell scripts".

    https://pastee.org/urfmv < Keyboard not found, it's looking at the wrong directory, note this line:

    I/XT9_C ( 2305): File "/data/data/jonasl.ime/udb" does not exist.

    https://pastee.org/s334a < Brightness-related log. I don't honestly know what's wrong here.

    1. Then look at the config.gz of kernel next firmware (2.3.4), where you can see that the default mode of cpu the performance?
      also look at tuning conservative, which I ordered in a shell script, it is not "conservative tended to drop the cpu to 122-300Mhz, only rarely going to full 600Mzh"

      Dynamically switches between the CPU(s) available clock speeds based on system load

      The performance governor runs the CPU(s) at maximum clock speed

      Similar to ondemand, but the CPU(s) clock speed switches gradually through all its available frequencies based on system load

      Runs the CPU(s) at minimum speed

      Manually configured clock speeds by user

      "I/XT9_C ( 2305): File "/data/data/jonasl.ime/udb" does not exist."
      /data - a custom section for user,and if there is a problem,the problem is in the installed programs

      "I sense it's a problem with permissions or something wrong in your "shell scripts". " - and what is worth seeing?

      In logs do not have what belongs to the bugs of the system

    2. Made a short 1min vid of the brightness/keyboard/camera issue @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob6bNJ252XQ&hd=1

  8. Note: All the errors you see in that video were fixed after rebooting to recovery and wiping cache! Sorry for being such a pain Sergey, and thanks for a great ROM :)

    1. So you say there is no problems at all after wiping cache ?

    2. Yes. Keyboard/Brightness/Front-facing camera all work as expected. No FCs so far either

  9. Hello. It would be nice to write a tutorial how to install ewra rom , examp , go to fast boot by pressing volume down+power button ..... as many people are not yet enough in to android and flashing.

    After instaling ewra rom are we able to get back to original rom via One Touch Upgrade ?


    1. Ok,I'll write how to do it later or you can write it and help to me ;)
      Yes, after flashed this Rom,you can flash via OTU to official firmaware always

    2. Relax i will write tut for that today afternoon when i come from work.

  10. Great rome dude, best regards for you and your work. I used marina, now this its quite better.. There are some bugs, in power control widgets brightnes button somtimes works, sometimes do not.. I erased date/cash/ from CWM ...

    Any way this is awasome job ! Greteengs frommother Serbia ..

  11. I have a problem with this rom, phone screen turn on end off in sleep mode,please help

  12. @NikolaCCCC when did u erased data/cache from cwm right after installing rom ? Just use the phone for few mins than boot into cwm and do the wipe data , wipe cache and under advanced wipe dalvik cache. There is no bugs for me.

    @miticaleksandar try do the same as NikolaCCCC like i said there is no bugs for me with ewra rom.

    And i have a question too :P

    I maded jpeg picture on my pc 320x480 but when i want to set that pic for background on phone i cant until i resize it on phone once again.How can i just set my 320x480 pic for background without resizing it on the phone?

  13. So little late but here we go , this is tutorial how to install Ewra rom on Alcatel OT 990

    First of all be patient and do not hurry with anything !!!

    1. download and install drivers for pc from here :
    a. http://www.alcatelonetouch.com/global-en/downloads/pcsuite/alcatel-androidmanager-2-2-1204-365.exe
    b. http://www.alcatelonetouch.com/global-en/downloads/otu/one-touch-upgrade-q-1-9-4-setup.exe

    2. download and unpack Ewra zip archive from here :

    3. turn off your phone and than turn it on by holding VOLUME DOWN + POWER button , after few seconds phone will vibrate than release power button but hold volume down button few more seconds

    4. your screen will remain black , connect your phone to pc with usb cable and click on "install" file inside the ewra folder wich we unpacked earlier

    5. small black window will start on your pc and after finishing install process window will close but do not touch the phone and do not remove usb cable until you see battery charging on your phone

    6. when you see battery charging on phone screen you can remove usb cable and turn on the phone

    7. now you have Ewra rom on you OT 990 , hold the power button and phone will ask you few things than choose the recovery

    8. when you get in recovery scroll up/down with volume up/volume down button and select option with home button , use back button to return to previous menu

    9. few things we need to do in recovery mod :
    a. scroll down to wipe data than select and confirm to wipe all data
    b. scroll down to wipe cache than select and confirm to wipe all cache
    c. scroll down to advanced than select wipe dalvik cache and confirm to wipe all dalvik cache
    d. use button back until you see on top reboot system now

    10. Congratulations now you have EWRA rom the best rom for OT 990 so far .

    And sure thanks to Sergey for his work making this rom to us.

    also here is video tutorial how to install ewra rom on OT 990 :

  14. thnx for manual^^ later I'll add it to main page

    about some bugs for you, if I found them at this rom for me, it did not upload to this firmware, so I'm sorry

  15. Sergey if you are working on ewra update please check the bug with brightnes button in widget it starts to not work for me too also wi fi connection is working i mean i can connect to my wifi but cant get acess to the internet , all of this bugs are repaired after i reboot the phone but after some time the bugs came again.

    1. about bug for brightness:can you delete line from /system/etc/init.d/99quisy "busybox chmod 0444 /data/system/usagestats
      busybox chmod 0444 /data/tombstones" maybe it is the reason
      wi fi - more details plz,I had no errors with it

      Ewra 0.2 coming soon ;)

  16. I reinstaled the rom, entered in CWM, deleted cash, data, dalvick cash and all bugs are gone ... No brightness or wifi error ...

  17. About wifi : i connect on my wifi router i get ip and everything seems ok but market says no connection retry all the time , also with opera i get errors could not connect to server if i try to do google search than i shutdown the phone turn it on and after that everything is ok.

  18. probably, our problem is dns, can we check this out somehow?

  19. Sergey how can we set bootanimation in Ewra rom ?
    Where to place bootanimation.zip ?


  20. /custpack/JRD_custres/media
    and delete line from build.prop or change value
    "debug.sf.nobootanimation=1" on "0"

  21. I try to put custom bootanimation.zip to /custpack/JRD_custres/media and i deleted the debug.sf.nobootanimation=1 line in build.prop but no animation , also i try to put bootanimation.gif and deleted bootanimation.zip from ../media but still no custom animation only when i deleted bootanimation.zip i get some android text animation ... ? Where can be a problem?


    1. Try it only with change values and bootanimation.zip
      So,after as you delete this line and not put new user animation,are the stock bootanimatoin.zip worked or on?
      If you have the problem with wi fi now,can you mast try fix permissions:
      load in recovery
      set the advanced
      set the fix permissions

      I think it should help

  22. Hi now i have android text glow bootanimation and i dont know where is that from because i dont have any files in the custpack/JRD_custres/media

    I dont have wifi issues anymore but if thay came up again i'll try to fix permissions and let u know about that.
