Friday, May 18, 2012

In next update

  • supported new I/O scheduler BFQ (as default)
  • max freq 787 MHz
  • remove freq 729,768 (no active frequency)
  • Fastboot in Power Menu
  • fix bugs for BT and Wi Fi
  • edit graphical part for Contacts.apk
  • scripts for automatic mount ext partition from sdcard and move app (/data/app) if need (as manual)
  • Add new language pack: 

.:: 70% of the Hungarian language is already integrated ::.

Restore stock fonts and for russian users pack mod fonts in


  1. Sergey, can you make stock ICS notification bar and pulldown menu? :)

  2. What's wrong with 806MHz? It looks stable to me. If it isn't we can use setcpu or other apk to control max freq.
    Anyway, thx for the great work!

  3. 787 works also as 806,fast and stable,but 787 need in small voltage,then 806

    at now,I try to add Hungarian language pack (part) and later will see what happens form it

  4. When I tried to start recovery from power menu, the phone wasn't start recovery. It made a factory reset! :-/

    1. it is unrealistic...for all time did not have such cases

    2. Well, it happend with me. :(

    3. If manually,when pressed buttons - it's reset to?
      maybe you re-flash recovery via fastboot?I think you haven't custom recovery...

  5. when I want and finished some work

  6. thank's the new rom :) when can I download it???

  7. Replies
    1. it's joke? maybe you run the android terminal and write the command "busybox" and look or go in /system/xbin?

  8. EwraMay 18, 2012 8:28 PM
    when I want and finished some work

  9. remains to complete the integration of the Hungarian language for some system apps, and everything is ready, if I don't start doing something else

  10. first .... million thanks to you for this great amazing rom
    but i've some questions before trying it

    which android version this rom based on .. 2.2 or 2.3

    does this rom support arabic reading and writing or not

    if not i think this is helpfull :

    you said " In next update "
    what can i understand from that .. waiting for the new update or just download and install

    again thanks alot hoping to see your answer shortly ..

    1. Именно для этого "Gulyuk Sergey" создал этот блог, что бы от паразитов избавится :)) (м.б. я не правильно понял Ayman с его ссылкой)

  11. LEXX ... sorry i can't understand what you say even i translate it in google translate but i can't understand what would you say ...................
    i download and install and do all thins but after the black dos screen disappear from the computer the mobile restart and after android logo it get a black screen with no any response so i will return to my stock 2.3.4 hoping you make to flash it via recovery

  12. Нельзя с 2.3. "просто" перепрыгнуть на 2.2. Извините, если я Вас не правильно понял.
    Попробуйте сначала перейти на 2.2.
    Тяжело, если ты руского языка не знаешь...
    А после ставь "Ewra"

  13. thanks alot for your help but i have problems while downgrade from 2.3.4 to 2.2 ... so i can't use the ewra rom but i hope there is an easy way to downgrade to 2.2 to enjoy this rom


    from this topic (some pages ago) have the tutorial,how you can downgrade to 2.2,plz find it and read,then downgrade,then flash it ROM,it based on 2.2

  15. ok ... i'll try it .... thanks alot

  16. yes .... it is working now ....... now i have EWRA on my ot-990 thanks alot Gulyuk ...... still waiting for the updates .... the rom is working so fast and great ... hoping in the next update to see power control in the notification bar .......... really really thanks for the great job

    1. and i want to report problem with wifi ... it gives me error and it is not working

  17. fix permissions via recovery (advanced - fix...)
    power control in notification bar without 3d-party apps - is impossible

  18. Notification toggle, does the job just fine :)

  19. wifi fixed after fix permissions via recovery
    but there is still on issue
    the usb debugging mode is always on even if i turned it off enter and exit the development menu it still on and i mount the sd card on the computer and nothing appears on the computer .. i don't know why

  20. Please Sergey,set CPU freq by default on 600/234 ondemand, and no boot set, then let the people choose what is the best setting for their device.

    1. No,but you can use boot.img with stock values of cpu from ewra 0.1 and plz,don't tell me in feuature about it

  21. Dear Ewra, after clicking "install", command window appeared on my laptop and after sending files to phones, it went off then after a few secs android logo appeared and went off immediately on my phone. then i had waited for around 45 mins but charging screen did not appear. I repeated the process for three times, but my alcatel ot 990 got stuck all the time waiting for the charging screen. finally Ewra could not be flashed.

    then i booted my phone into recovery mode, wiped all data(dalvick, cache and factory reset). And follwed the same process as mentioned in manual but it is still not working for my phone.

    1. you are flash ewra on 2.2 or 2.3?

    2. i flashed it on 2.3.4 with marina lite 5.1

    3. you must flash ewra only on 2.2.2 firmware

  22. I don't know,bug for BT come in again and I tired:(

  23. there are many problem hoping it disappear in the next update :-
    1- usb debugging mode is always on
    2- automatic brightness is always on
    3- bluetooth can be turned on even after fixing permissions
    4- it didn't support arabic and i can't install arabic on it because it is not a .zip file
    5- no file manger in this stock except root explorer .. we need xplore or astro
    6- i can't see alot of program's notifications because the font can't appear
    7- we need flash player for it ... in the 2.3.4 i had a flash player but now i didn't

    can u reply on me with the thing that u can fix and the thins that u can't ?

    1. Yes,I can reply - I do it mostly for myself, because for this work I does not get, nothing donate and other...
      And you at me putting as many conditions!Sorry,but it was too

      Works fine: 1,2
      4,5,7 - look for themselves to solve these problems
      3 - yes,it need the fix
      6 - Many applications do not take the color of the text of the framework-res.apk,maybe need the solve (for me it is not critical)

      Sorry again,but I can finish the work,and latest will be the previous update

    2. every time i reboot the phone or turn it off
      i have to go to recovery to fix permissions first to get a working wifi

  24. solved bt problem by doing fixing permissions 2x from cwm (fix, reboot, fix again and reboot).
    for brightness, usb debug problem, etc. ----> wipe data, cache, Dalvik from cwm
    install es file manager instead of root explorer

  25. So 806Mhz is removed because it is also considered as unstable freq? :(

    Nevertheless, keep up the good work ;)

    1. for many people it's unstable freq :D but they are don't know that max freq for this processor is 900 Mhz
      yes. it's true,i find sources code for some devices on this processor,who work on 900

    2. Yes I read on few places that 900Mhz is kind of upper limit of arm6, but that its quite difficult to reach :/

      I find it strange that same strings of code work differently on different phones of same type.

      E.g. 806Mhz worked flawlessly on my phone, but I had massive problems with BT/mobile data, while some other ppl had no BT problems at all but they weren't able to OC anything more than 760Mhz...Its like we don't use same phones xD

      To be honest, I'm not happy about reducing max frequency, but if it will make rom more stable and thus safer for use - I say go for it!

      Cheers m8 ;)

  26. I do not understand the reason:
    when, after reboot system the first to include BT, it works fine, but after the connection Wi Fi, it's does not accept the data and get the error connection.
    then,reboot system again and after as first to include Wi Fi - works good,connect and download/upload data; but I trying the enable BT and it not the include

    Reason not in old module, it's there at system, I think it is in system apk and should try to find resolve. I promise...

  27. Who can help me about translate some words?
    I need the translated in Hungarian - Reboot, Recovery, Bootloader

    1. Reboot: újraindítás
      I think you don't need to translate 'recovery' and 'bootloader'.

    2. Gulyuk, reboot = újraindítás, but there is no need to translate recovery or bootloader. In hungarian language we use the same english term.

    3. thnx, later I'm upload Ewra as for recovery, until I'm work on Mms.apk (integrated Hu lang)

  28. In my opinion you should make update.zips for different frequenices. Like this, people can use higher frequency if it is stable for them.

    1. Maybe,I think about it,but until I'm uploading rom with the max freq 787

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  31. thanks fro Hungarian !!
    I have a question: I compiled last version of sources it compiled well ! then flashed by fastboot but it stuck at splash screen what is wrong here ??

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