Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cyanogenmod 7 alpha 1 test


  • Camera (photos and videos, but sometimes the result is rotated 90 degrees to the left)
  • Calls, SMS
  • WiFi (need to check on other routers)
  • Sound
  • Basic features
Does not work:
  • Internet via 3G/GSM (not auto and manually created APN's)
  • FM Radio
  • BT (system crash)
  • Brightness and proximity sensor (without third-party software)
  • Front camera (tested only oficial application Camera)
  • GPS (not verified)
  1. When unplug usb cable from the PC/charging system crashed
  2. Some applications by cyanogenmod also crashed system
  • during call when you activate "Speakerphone" sound is not output to the speaker
*Not have in stock google apps

Install via CWM recovery


  1. Hi!

    I have a problem. I flashed the ROM, but it not connect to Network. Network is Telenor Hungary. Please help!

    1. I have the same problem. There is no network after flashing, and baseband is unknown.

  2. OMG i can't believe that..

    that is so so so coool

    you rock Gulyul

  3. Go for it!!! I belive this will be the greatest rom ever when you fix these few not working thins and I can't wait to see it. And BIG BIG THANX!!!

  4. it looks so good..

    may you add arabic language interface in your next update ;)

  5. hvala ti sto postojis
    thank you for exist you

  6. couldn't add gmail account..
    tried to flash gapps cm7 .. no result
    even gapps for cm6 mdpi .. no result

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You might try this link if you don't have a account.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. oh,sorry, I fogot the attach repack gapps special for our device...

    about other language: yes, I can add it,if they has in sources of cm

    Thanks Gulyuk
    Keep up the good work

  9. Can't wait for the stable version to come out

  10. This version for 2.3.4 or 2.2.2???

  11. @Nike, it's based on CyanogenMod 7 , so it's safe to say it's Gingerbread only

  12. I had no problem restoring apps from TB..

    I found that speaker mode dont work when ur in a call and there is "no sim card warning" sometimes on hangup.
    Also YouTube dont work in hq.

    Otherwise great job, everithing works much better than in any other rom i tested before..

  13. When you fix for mobile data Gulyuk, you are the bos.EXCELLENT JOB.Only fix for mobile data.

  14. This is a great job.
    For me:-the wifi works with a french livebox
    -the bluetooth work without any crash (I do a file sharing test with an archos 43 and a nokia 6700s)
    -the data don't works, there are problems with apn, which come from the phone apk (I'm not sure), which don't detect the mcc and mnc (I saw this in configuration, in the dev tools app)
    -gps don't work

  15. No Words To Appreciate you, Fantastic,Mind Blowing, Excellent. Hurrah :> Please Fixed It as soon as possible Thanks allot Friends.

  16. this is excelen news, thanks!Keep up!

  17. I can read msgs in urdu now.thanks
    google play not works how to add google play.

  18. Error:
    1:screen goes black some times and i have to restart mobile by removing battery.
    2:While calling screen never goes black (so call ended some times or holed)

    1. 1. turn off: WiFi, BT, GPRS

      2. i got same problem

  19. WTF you expect from alpha version ?!

    My problems are:
    Short battery life (i set : screen off,320-120 mhz, conservative,I/O vr, my phone can't sleep ! )
    No GPU acceleration ! (you have to accelerate it manualy)
    Sometimes screen get black and i have to remove battery.
    Sometimes system crashes without any reason !
    I get quadrant score like on stock 2.3 ! :DDD
    Horrible form gaming ! BIA2 QME 2.0 ICS lite is much,much more better !!! :)
    Thanks and sorry about english !! :D

  20. I tried to put the APN setting using a variety of programs and always get me kicked out notice that do not see SIM card. Maybe this will help to fix the internet via 3G/GSM

  21. Sorry, my work stopped now :( because the day before yesterday my phone is broken again and I gave him in Service Center on repairs. I'm sorry, but I don't know whether I can do it again, work on cyanogenmod :(

  22. Seems like neither proximity sensor doesn't work :(

    1. hm...I wrote it so that the proximity and light sensor not work without 3rd party apps...use from google play the Proximity Screen Off and Velis Auto Brightness

  23. если честно, я даже не знаю смогут ли его вообще сделать в этот раз, что то мне кажется дела там серьезные с модемом уже :( и если даже смогут,и то неизвестно сколько запросят за ремонт, вдруг цена зашкалит - что не очень будет приемлемо. так что работа эта может просто полететь к чертям, а не хотелось бы, была "цель"

  24. Maybe you can setup a skrill (moneybookers) account so we can donate to help you pay off service fees, or maybe even buy a new phone?

    1. Thank you for understanding, but for begin I'll wait the result of diagnostic, because 3rd day the service center is silent, maybe they able to repair it.

    2. Is possible to port CM9 in future ? :D

    3. if have the wish, all things are possible, that even the not real, at first me

    4. Of course we have...I'm thinking to buy some better phone ,i mean with some better development...I'm sorry about you coz you're working hard alone with little Shkerzy help...Maybe you will change my mind with your CM7,CM9 or even CM10 :D We can do everything you want to help you to upgrade this phone...Alcatel and Cyanogen leave us alone to fight a battle !! I think you understand me ! ! ! :)

      Sry about english !

    5. So, I created an account Moneybookers, someone can donate to help?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Please post somewhere details on how to donate to your moneybookers account.

  26. you are the best :D, thanks for all you work d:, I hope your phone working again :( . would be great if at some future add Spanish language to the list of languages, I try to spread your work in the Hispanic community

    greetings from Mexico!
    Saludos desde Mexico :D

  27. OMG !! you actually did it :D thanks for cm 7 ... btw i am realy sorry about your phone i hope you fix it :(

  28. Ok. When will be free time then I recompile kernel with this freq, maybe tomorrow

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. He PAGZLY and did a rewrite to work mobile internet. Here's a look at the pictures

  31. So, we work without my device, but you can wait...maybe soon it will be fix

    1. This ROM is stable.But the problem is in kernel,it doesn't read baseband version....and there is not source for some things so it's really hard to compile it !! Don't post like " fix mobile network..." coz he doesn't has phone and he can't test new fixes !!
      I do everything to learn more about AOSP and kernel compiling...Now i'm trying to fix it but for now it's hard for me...i'll do all of my self !

  32. PAGZLY, Nixx I'm not, nor have I posted this comment. And this post you're hung up in the thread, where you pray for ROM, delete, because I am not him.Asking him, who he was and why he thinks that way about you. For me not to hang PAGZLY ROM, because he was angry at me, I told him the truth. DEJANXX

    1. Ma smrad...nemora da nam da link....ko ga jebe on samo oce da ga mi molimo !!! Ima znaje sve to stoji ali kad je covek smrad ni parfemi ne pomazu !!! Cekamo mi Gulyuka,doniramo mu koju paru za novi TOT990 i sve po starom ! Zaboravi ga slobodno !!

  33. magnifique il faut continuer !!!!!!! ;)))) a quand ICS ????

  34. Druga je prica sa Sergejom ! Pagzly da je covek bar malo dao bi nam link ovakom samo sere i qrci se....Neka se jebe sa svojim kernelom !

  35. SIM card not detects... what's the problem?????
    Sorry for bad english

  36. Ma bre on ne lupaj...on je rom odradio super,samo jos da kernel sa njime uklopi,ukloni neke greske doda nove brt po ovoj test verziji mozes tek zamislit kako ce izgleat final verzija.Covek mi je rekao da ce nakon cm7, poceti da radi na cm9 i ako kaze to na prvi pogled izgleda nemoguce,sve je moguce kad tad ;)
    zato ne ocekuj mnogo od PAGLZYA :)

  37. Pricajte za mene na sta ocete ! Sad mu se ulizujete u dupe da vam izbaci link pi*keee !!

  38. Pogledaj malo... gulyuk: "if have the wish, all things are possible, that even the not real, at first me"

    Brt covek ima znanje,a ne PAGZLY,nemojte da mu se uvlacite u dupe,a na kraju ce te dobiti qrac....bolje donirajte malo para sergeju sve ce covek zavrsiti !! Veruj mi ;)

  39. Maybe this post could help to fix internet with 3g or gsm network:

  40. Vec ste ga vi ispusili Pagzlyu !! Covek se vratio na froyo i vi svi dobiste qrac ! :D Cekajte Gulyuka !

  41. I already fixed, but thanks. And I how to fix the black screen?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Covek Pagzly nije normalan, banovao me prvi put ns Android Srbija forumu, zato sto sam postavio link ka sistemskim app za Ewri, jeo i ja sam mu odg,odmah posle odg me je banovao,covek je nenormalan,ako neko ne deli njegovo misljenje sledi ban,kakav je to nacin. O tome sta je uzeo bez pitanja i da li je, na to ce Gulyuk odgovoriti, mene zanima da li je Pagzly normalan,ima kompleks nize vrednosti.
    Sergej vec radi na CM7 a ovaj da je odradio Okacio bi ROM one slike sam mogao i ja da napakujem u photoshopu i da pricam price.
    Kao sto Guluyk kaze dok ne okaci ROM i ne vidim svojim ocima Pagzly ili laze ili.......

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Nixx ovaj laže garant da je prepravio ROM, pa majka mu stara, ako je odradio, neka uploduje da ljudi vide.Mene briga ja taj telefon nemam, ali ako si već nešto uradio, i širiš okolo, onda to podeli sa ljudima.
    @ Ljubiša
    I Sergej je sve odradio bez dinara, i šta sad?, mislim na ovo što si rekao, Pagzly je uradio sve bez para, i ovaj je, i drugi.I ja bih isto, da posedujem znanje kao oni, ja ne sporim da Pagzly ima znanjei na tome mu skidam kap, ali za druge stvari nije u pravu.
    Ako imaš ROM uploduj ga i podeli sa ljudima koji te toliko MOLE!!!

    1. Mozda je samo prepravio da ima gore notifikacija a dali stvarno radi nzm....Uglavnom covek oce da se moli,pa ocu qrac ! Sad mu se svi sa uvlace u dupe da im da link...Prije cu donirat pare Gulyuku nego njega molit,da se zna !! Sve se odavde prenosi njemu dejane veruj mi ~!

    2. I oce sad debili da kazu da Pagzly ima vece znanje od Gulyuka ?!
      Covek je kao sto si vec rekao,sigurno uradio ono u PS,mozda nije ali da je to tako lako,Gulyuk bi objavio CM sa prepravljenim APN ...

  47. Could you write in English? I just can not understand what you mean

    1. ...The some guy Pagzly fix mobile netwroks problem but he says that he downgrade back to froyo and he doesn't want to give us link.Maybe he just photos in PS or just add HSDPA notification.I don't know,but i'm still waiting for you and every sec i'm checking this blog for news ! Visit and check the pictures what PAGZLY share....;)

  48. They are talking about some guy Pagzly from androidsrbija who is doing ROM repacks and now he has allegedly fixed internet over gsm on your CM7, but he won't release fixed ROM nor the source code. It's nothing important and they shouldn't be talking about this here. They are just transferring rotten atmosphere from that forum here. I've stopped visiting that forum long time ago when I noticed what's happening.

    @arguing Serbs:
    Momci, nema potrebe da se svađa sa androidsrbija prenosi ovde, niti ovaj blog ima ikakve veze sa time. Ako hoćete da pomognete Sergeju a nemate internet platnu karticu možete meni poslati kintu uplatnicom na tekući račun pa ću ja prebaciti njemu. I btw, Sergej sam nije tražio nikakve pare. To je bila moja ideja i ja sam ga zamolio da otvori donacije kako bih mogao da doniram.

    1. Istina,ali ako se prijavim na androidsrbija banovat ce me pa samo ovdje da obajasnim neke stvari jer znam da ima debila koji cesto posjecuju ovaj blog i sve prenose Pagzly-ju :)

  49. Morao sam da odogovorim ovde, jer je kacio postove na forumu Pagzly misleci da sam ja NIXX.
    Lazovcina jedna neotesana, kompleksas nize vrednosti, i naduvenko.\Banovao me lik jer se nisam slozio sa njegovim misljenjem, homosapiens jedan.

  50. Gulyuk is there chance to convert cm10 from alcatel ot995 to ot 990...It's the same bootloader so is possible ? I saw some guy where he cconvert rom from zte skate to zte blade ? Is there chance ?

    serbian version:
    Sta vi momci mislite ? Da li je moguce ?

  51. I don't believe so. It is completely different hardware. Different CPU, GPU and Chipset. Maybe alcatel some sensor devices and camera are the same though.

    1. Yes, this different hardware, but also not good variant as repack another ROM, need compile from source code.
      And please wait we working, but it need some time,many time,because work via ICQ :D

    2. Yeah ot995 has Snapdragon S2 and adreno 205, but maybe gulyuk can edit it to be compatible with our device ;)

      I'm thinking to but ot995....:D

    3. On what you're working ? CM7 ?

    4. yes, on cm7, try to fix gps, mobile data, other...but it difficult

    5. Ok bro !! Thnx for everything that you make !! We don't need any PAGZLY or some freaks !

    6. Can you give me some links for repack tools of kernel and how to compile boot.img ,to repack ROMs i can help you ! :)

    7. Repack/Unpack
      Compile kernel

    8. Where i can get source ? And thanks i will star from now !!! <3

    9. Kernel source code
      How to download/build source code cm7
